Where can I find the Calculator?
You can find the calculator in the top left part of Place Order widget on Trade page:
What can I use the calculator for?
The BitMEX calculator lets you calculate your Profit/Loss, Target Price, and Liquidation Price.
When it comes to calculating your Profit/Loss, you'll need to enter the following details:
- Size = the position size you are taking including the leverage you use
- Entry Price = the price at which you open the trade
- Exit Price = the target price at which you want to exit the trade
- Leverage = the multiplier of your initial investment that you use to increase your position (up to 100x)
Once you enter all these, you'll see Profit/Loss on the right side.
Target Price based on ROE
What is ROE?
Your Return on Equity (ROE) is how much you make compared to how much you put down.
For example, if you were to put down $100 in equity and set the leverage at 10x, your position size would be $1000 in total.
If the price of the underlying asset increases by 10%, then your position would be worth $1100 and you would have made $100 in profit.
Your ROE would then be 100%, as your equity is $100 and your profit is also $100.
How to use Target Price calculator
With the Target Price calculator, you can calculate what Target Price is required to achieve the ROE you desire. For example, if you’re looking to make $100 (or 100%) and you have $100 of equity, entering inputs based on these assumptions will help you arrive at a Target Price.
Liquidation Price
The following is a breakdown of each section of the calculator above, so you can adjust it to your assumptions.
- Size = The number of contracts you plan to buy or sell.
- Entry Price = The price of the asset at which you wish to open a position.
- Wallet/Leverage = For Wallet, it's the amount of XBT in your wallet (applies when using Cross Margin). For Leverage, it's the amount of leverage you're using.
With all of this information entered into the calculator, you can see the Liquidation Price on the right side. When that price is reached, the Liquidation Engine will take over your position and all margin assigned to it will be lost.
To move your liquidation price further away, you can adjust the Size to a lower amount (if on Cross), or Leverage to a lower amount.