Below are the field definitions for the /chat endpoints.
"id": 0, // ID of the chat message.
"date": "2020-09-14T02:04:59.436Z", // Date and time that the chat message was sent.
"user": "string", // Username of the user who sent the message.
"message": "string", // Message sent in plain text.
"html": "string", // Message sent in HTML.
"fromBot": false, // Whether or not the message was sent by a user from the frontend web page or by a bot via API.
"channelID": 0 // Channel ID that the message was sent to.
for /chat/channels endpoint:
"id": 0, // ID of the chat channel.
"name": "string" // Name of the chat channel.
for /chat/connected endpoint:
"users": 0, // Number of users currently connected to the trollbox.
"bots": 0 // Number of bots currently connected to the trollbox.