Below are the field definitions for the /execution endpoints:
"execID": "string",// Unique identifier of execution message assigned by BitMEX.
"orderID":"string",// Unique identifier for Order assigned by BitMEX.
"clOrdID": "string", //clOrdID refers to "Client Order ID" which is an optional field that you can use to personally identify your open orders (not BitMEX-generated). The value assigned to this field needs to be unique amongst your open orders and cannot be in use by an existing open order. If an open order exists with the same value, your request to open a new order with the same clOrdID will be rejected. Once an order has been filled or cancelled, the value can be reused.
"clOrdLinkID": "string", // Permits order originators to tie together groups of orders in which trades resulting from orders are associated for a specific purpose, for example, the calculation of average execution price for a customer or to associate lists submitted to a broker as waves of a larger program trade.
"account": 0,// Unique identifier for the account.
"symbol": "string", // Code representing the product for this execution.
"side": "string", // The side of the execution (Buy or Sell).
"lastQty": 0,// Executed quantity.
"lastPx": 0, // Executed price.
"underlyingLastPx": 0, // Legacy field (e.g. was used for calendar spread products).
"lastMkt": "string", // Venue of the execution (always XBME = BitMEX).
"lastLiquidityInd": "string",// Indication of whether this execution was passive or aggressive (e.g.Market Buy - "RemovedLiquidity”)
"simpleOrderQty": 0, // orderQty in terms of the underlying symbol.
"orderQty": 0, // Quantity of the order related to this execution.
"price": 0,// Price of the order related to this execution.
"displayQty": 0, // Quantity of the order related to this execution (non-hidden).
"stopPx": 0, // Stop Price (triggering price) of the order related to this execution.
"pegOffsetValue": 0, // Offset for the pegged order related to this execution.
"pegPriceType": "string", // Type of the peg price of the order related to this execution.
"currency": "string", // The quote currency of the symbol (symbol.quoteCurrency)
"settlCurrency": "string", // The settlement currency of the symbol (symbol.settlCurrency).
"execType": "string", // The type of the execution (e.g. Trade, Settlement).
"ordType": "string", // The type of the order related to this execution (e.g. Limit, Market).
"timeInForce": "string", // Timeframe for executing the order related to this execution. Absence of this field is interpreted as DAY. (i.e. "ImmediateOrCancel",)
"execInst": "string", // Execution instructions on the order related to this execution (e.g. ParticipateDoNotInitiate, Close)
"contingencyType": "string", // Legacy field (e.g. was used for contingent order types).
"exDestination": "string", // Venue instruction on order related to this execution.
"ordStatus": "string", // Status of the order related to this execution (Possible values: New, Filled, PartiallyFilled, Canceled, Rejected)
"triggered": "string", // Indication of whether a stop order is triggered or not (e.g "StopOrderTriggered")
"workingIndicator": true, // Indication of whether the order is live in the order book (e.g. Untriggered stop orders, or terminal state orders would be false)
"ordRejReason": "string",// For orders where ordStatus="Rejected" this column will give reason for rejections.
"simpleLeavesQty": 0, // leavesQty in units of the underlying
"leavesQty": 0, // The quantity remaining to be filled in the order associated with this execution. leavesQty = orderQty - cumQty
"simpleCumQty": 0, // cumQty in units of the underlying
"cumQty": 0, // The quantity filled in this execution for the order associated with this execution. The general rule is: OrderQty = CumQty + LeavesQty.
"avgPx": 0, // Average filled price of the order associated with this execution
"commission": 0, // For execType=Trade, this is the Maker/Taker fee rate
For execType=Funding this is the funding rate
For execType=Settlement, this is the Settlement Fee rate
"tradePublishIndicator": "string", // Whether this execution resulted in a publically published trade (e.g. "DoNotPublishTrade", "PublishTrade")
"multiLegReportingType": "string", // Legacy field (e.g. was used for calendar spread products)
"text": "string", // Audit field containing descriptions of changes to the order related to this execution (e.g. "Submission from")
"trdMatchID": "string", // Unique identifier for all executions in a match event
"execCost": 0, // Cost of the execution in terms of the settlCurrency (round(1e8/price) * number of contracts).
"execComm": 0, // Calculated commission for this execution based on commission (field)
"homeNotional": 0, // The value of the execution in terms of the underlying
"foreignNotional": 0, // The value of the execution in terms of the quoteCurrency
"transactTime": "2020-09-14T02:26:42.839Z", // Time the execution logically occured - the time priority, i.e. when it entered the order book
"timestamp": "2020-09-14T02:26:42.839Z" // Time the execution was actually processed
For any questions, please contact us at