Below are the field definitions for the /order endpoints.
"orderID": "string", // Unique identifier for Order as assigned by (BitMEX).
"clOrdID": "string", // clOrdID refers to "Client Order ID" which is an optional field that you can use to personally identify your open orders.
"clOrdLinkID": "string", // Permits order originators to tie together groups of orders in which trades resulting from orders are associated for a specific purpose, for example the calculation of average execution price for a customer or to associate lists submitted to a broker as waves of a larger program trade.
"account": 0,// Your unique account ID.
"symbol": "string", // The contract for this position.
"side": "string",// Side of order.
"simpleOrderQty": 0, // Depreciated
"orderQty": 0, // Quantity Ordered
"price": 0,// Price of contract
"displayQty": 0, // The quantity to be displayed . Required for reserve orders. On orders specifies the qty to be displayed, on execution reports the currently displayed quantity.
"stopPx": 0, // Price of contract
"pegOffsetValue": 0, // Amount (signed) added to the peg for a pegged order in the context of the PegOffsetType (836) (Prior to FIX 4.4 this field was of type PriceOffset)
"pegPriceType": "string", // Defines the type of peg.
"currency": "string", // Identifies currency used for price.
"settlCurrency": "string", // The settlement currency of the contract
"ordType": "string", // Order Type
"timeInForce": "string", // Specifies how long the order remains in effect. Absence of this field is interpreted as DAY.
"execInst": "string", // Instructions for order handling on exchange trading floor. If more than one instruction is applicable to an order, this field can contain multiple instructions separated by space.
"contingencyType": "string", // Depreciated
"exDestination": "string", // Execution destination as defined by institution when order is entered.
"ordStatus": "string", // Identifies current status of order
"triggered": "string", // Indication of whether an order is triggered or not (e.g "StopOrderTriggered").
"workingIndicator": true,// Indicates if the order is currently being worked.
"ordRejReason": "string",// Code to identify reason for order rejection.
"simpleLeavesQty": 0,// depreciated
"leavesQty": 0, // Quantity open for further execution.
"simpleCumQty": 0, //
"cumQty": 0, // Total number of contracts filled.
"avgPx": 0, // Calculated average price of all fills on this order.
"multiLegReportingType": "string", //
"text": "string",// Free format text string.
"transactTime": "2020-09-14T02:26:43.058Z",// Time of execution/order creation
"timestamp": "2020-09-14T02:26:43.058Z"